Hello, minions.
It is I, Igor, once again.
I'm sure you thought you'd seen the last of me after my most faithful servant, Heeseung, and I parted ways. I know you all mourned the very idea of not hearing from me again; indeed, I received just over 200 e-mails after my final post. I didn't have time to read all of them, or, for that matter, any of them (I am, after all, very important and therefore too busy for such menial tasks), but I was told by my underlings that the e-mails all expressed great sorrow at my exit.
Because I am a people's turtle and because I know how eager people are to read about me, I have decided the time is once again ripe for some more traveling. Korea was... nice last time (to be very, very charitable, and that is disregarding the heat, the mosquitoes, and the overzealous middle-aged ladies who roam the streets offering advice when none was asked for), but I've decided this time, I want to go somewhere that suits me a little better. Korea was exotic enough, but I want something a little more... refined.
And so, I'm headed off to London.
Why London? Well, dear readers, what you may not know is that my full name is actually Igor Norman Plantaganet Lancaster York Tudor Stuart Hanover Windsor. Yes, I'm kind of a big deal amongst the English. No, I don't want to talk about it. But you wonder, dear reader, how do I know, considering I don't know who my parents are? While it is true that I was orphaned at a young age, I have just always known I was special. Different from all the other turtles. And it went beyond just how my shell was shinier than all the other turtles' and how I was faster than all the other turtles. And so all I can really say is that I just can feel it in my wise turtle-gut. And because I am always right, it must be true. Simple logic.
Do not be embarrassed for second-guessing me, though, as I'm feeling charitable tonight, before I fly back to my homeland. Of course, if you make the foolish mistake of doubting me again, minions, then you shall find yourself locked up in a very tall, very drafty tower before you can even say, "Cheerio!"
Having cleared that up, back to me, me, me, and my travel plans. For the sake of expediency, I'm taking the bumbler, Heeseung, along with me so that she may type out my posts for me, although I really feel as though I should just invest in a voice transcription machine instead. It would be far easier on the eyes, at least. In any case, there's no time to order one before my trip, so I guess I'll have to make do.
Now, Heeseung must finish packing all my things, so, until next time, enjoy this picture of yours truly poring over tomorrow's travel plans. As you might have noticed, the itinerary is upside down-- yet another sign of my advanced mental capacity. I almost exclusively read upside down because reading rightside up is simply too basic.
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