
Hello, my adoring fans. Tonight, you all have the honor of reading a blog post written directly by me, the inestimable Igor. Heeseung is out cold, allegedly exhausted by her day, although I don't see why she would be, considering her life is unbelievably dull and she does nothing all day, unlike myself, who has to read no less than 6.2 lbs. of fan mail a day (I don't respond, of course, as that's below me, but if I have time, I delegate some responsibilities to some of the lower members of my entourage).
Anyhow, I, still rejuvenated from my super exclusive spa visit to the Old Country, thought on a whim it might be amusing to follow Heeseung around for a day. 
It wasn't. 
Because it would be far too dull to even try to describe the dreariness of Heeseung's every day life, I present to you "Heeseung's Life: In Picture Format" (shockingly, even giving it an official title can't stop it from being less boring).

Morning. I should have known from the start that this was not a lifestyle for me. We woke up too early, I barely had enough to polish my shell before we left.

Breakfast. On the go. I just have to say I am simply appalled. Where's my usual three-course breakfast?

School. Awful drudgery. I fell asleep for 3.5 of 4 hours. Probably due to waking up so early. At least I didn't visit last week, as that was midterms period. If you thought it couldn't get any worse, as I did, you're probably wrong. (Not me, though, I'm always right.)

A brief break. Some rude hooligan put me in his shoe. Disgusting.

Cafe. The two-person tables could not accommodate all of my entourage. How thoughtless.

Back on the subway. Oh joy.

Off to another cafe. Homework. Since I took a nap on the subway, I thought I'd be able to stay awake, but it was just too boring. Three green lattes couldn't keep me up.

In short, Heeseung leads a consistently dull life in Korea.

Here, look at this cicada instead.

And with that, I am off to bed, my fans, as it's nearing my bedtime and I need my beauty sleep, as it is.

1 comment:

  1. i read this for a second time because i was bored and i still laughed
