
Igor supposes some of you want apologies. Obviously there are fans out there who are so devoted to Igor's travels that they have been waiting for updates with baited breath. Igor even received word that one fan was determined to hold her breath until the next update. (Don't worry, she was safely taken to the hospital; although Igor would like to point out that he is not liable for her medical issues, in the past, present, or future.). However, Igor denies that the lack of updates is his fault. Clearly, he has bigger, more important issues to attend to; furthermore, if anyone is to be faulted from the infrequent updates, it's painfully obvious that person should be Heeseung, the one with the ability to type, aka the brawn of the operation (Igor clearly posses both the brains and beauty, though).

It has been a bit over two months since this blog has been dusted off. As per usual, Igor cannot divulge the details of why he has not been responding, because such information is top secret, to be released on a need know basis only. However, Heeseung suspects it may have to do with Igor's extreme laziness -- but Igor cannot confirm this. (No offense; chances are you simply aren't important enough.)

When Igor last posted, he was nearing the last leg of his London trip. Now, he has long since left that dreaded place (proof of its awfulness: It dared to become sunny just as he was about to leave! What an impertinent place!). Igor may have been a little sad to leave the nasty, grey land, if he could be bothered to feel sadness. But obviously such emotions are unnecessary for someone as grand as Igor.

So instead, Igor has moved on, with Heeseung still at his side. (Unfortunately. Shockingly, no one better suited for the job applied. Who knew so much unqualified rabble existed in this world, honestly. Is it really so hard to be just the slightest bit competent?)

In any case, having successfully (more or less) conquered London (the important bits, at least), Igor decided to move on to New York, where he has been dined and wined by the elite (although none have been as elite as himself, of course), been underwhelmed by cultural activities, and sweated his shell off in the New York heat and humidity. In short, Igor has been less than impressed, although that is to be expected for a Turtle Who Has Seen It All (including a short stint in Brazil last week, with a brief detour to Texas, which, if Igor wasn't immune to making mistakes, would have to be called a mistake because, honestly, who ever goes to Texas?)

Regardless, such is the nature of Igor's current activities (minus all the top secret ones he can't tell you about because, well, you know...). For those of you who absolutely need to know more about Igor's life, see what he's eat here. Otherwise, wait here to read more, although Igor cannot stress enough that you shouldn't hold your breath for updates because if you should restrict your flow of oxygen and pass out, there isn't one iota of a chance that you will receive any sort of settlement money from Igor because it will be wholly your fault, &tc., &tc.